Weight loss

The problem of overweight and obesity is one of the most common diseases of the age. And it is constantly increasing in the world among all age groups. The problem of it is that it is a clear cause of a large number of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, triglyceride and others.

Weight loss

The problem of overweight and obesity is one of the most common diseases of the age. And it is constantly increasing in the world among all age groups. The problem of it is that it is a clear cause of a large number of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, triglyceride and others.

Definition of obesity
Is to increase the body weight from its natural limit due to an accumulation of fat in it. This accumulation is due to an imbalance between the energy consumed from food and energy consumed in the body. Teenage is one of the most frequent periods of onset of the problem due to changing habits, dietary behavior and independence of choices

Definition of obesity
Is to increase the body weight from its natural limit due to an accumulation of fat in it. This accumulation is due to an imbalance between the energy consumed from food and energy consumed in the body. Teenage is one of the most frequent periods of onset of the problem due to changing habits, dietary behavior and independence of choices

Causes of obesity

Frequent eating outside the home and easy to order fast food for home at any time

Eating too much food between meals, which causes a decrease in the appetite of people for main meals

intake of soft drinks and juices instead of natural juice and water frequently

lack of exercises

Psychological state of the person

eating fast food and fatty frequently

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