
Successful detoxification involves the elimination of all external sources of toxins that you can control. This causes the accumulation of toxins in the body, which affects the health of the digestive system, the strength, and effectiveness of the immune system, and the efficiency of the body burning rates, which weakens its energy and causes fatigue, and weight gain. Especially if it is observed that the body is not responsive to the diet and sports program followed


Successful detoxification involves the elimination of all external sources of toxins that you can control. This causes the accumulation of toxins in the body, which affects the health of the digestive system, the strength, and effectiveness of the immune system, and the efficiency of the body burning rates, which weakens its energy and causes fatigue, and weight gain. Especially if it is observed that the body is not responsive to the diet and sports program followed

Successful detoxification involves the elimination of all external sources of toxins that you can control. This causes the accumulation of toxins in the body, which affects the health of the digestive system, the strength, and effectiveness of the immune system, and the efficiency of the body burning rates, which weakens its energy and causes fatigue, and weight gain. Especially if it is observed that the body is not responsive to the diet and sports program followed

If you feel one or all of these symptoms, it is a sign for you to take a rest period for your body, which helps you with its activity, vitality, and brightness. With the pressures of life, work overload, lack of movement and the nature of our current meals, which depend on fast food and many temptations of food, sweets, occasions, all of them exhaust your body and cause the accumulation of toxins, which all will affect the health of your skin, your hair, your face and your body

Detoxification Symptoms

Always tired and lacking vitality and activity

Your hair is dry, dull and non-vital

Your skin is pale & Your eyes are swollen and pale

You feel numb and have permanent laxity

Have difficulty waking up early

You have difficulty sleeping and insomnia

Frequent use of medicines without *consulting your doctor

Your weight increased and your clothes tightened on you

Sources of accumulation of toxins in the body


Contaminated drinking water


Processed foods

Chemical substances in household products (pesticides, detergents, sterilizers, deodorants)

Harmful smoke from cars, factories, *pollution, and others

Frequent use of medicines without consulting your doctor

Fatty and sugary foods

مصادر تراكم السموم بالجسم


مياه الشرب الملوثة


الاطعمة المصنعة

المواد الكيمائية في المنتجات المستخدمة في منزل (مبيدات حشرية ، منظفات ، معقمات ، مزيل رائحة)

الدخان الضار سواء من السيارات ، مصانع ، تلوث وغيره

Frequent use of medicines without *consulting your doctor

الوجبات و الاغذية الدهنية و السكرية

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