Tummy surgery

Sagging tummy is a big problem for men and women and this is due to fat accumulations or weak tummy muscles

Tummy surgery

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to tighten the sagging tummy through surgical tightening of the muscles and skin and it is a common procedure for both men and women

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to tighten the sagging tummy through surgical tightening of the muscles and skin and it is a common procedure for both men and women.The problem is greater for women because of repeated pregnancy. Unfortunately, such cases do not respond to exercise, diets, or weight loss, so the plastic surgery (Tummy Tuck) is the only way

Does this process suit me?

This requires a visit to the appropriate surgeon, who will determine the type of operation that suits you and the expected results since these results vary from person to person

How will the situation be after the operation?

Your doctor will explain this information in details. Each patient according to his / her. In general, however, it is necessary to stay in the hospital for three days until the patient’s condition is stabilized. There will be painkillers for several weeks. The stitches will be removed after a week to10 days. The patient must wear the corset not less than four weeks

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