Therapeutic diet

The task of nutritionist in this age isn’t limited to awareness and prevention of diseases, but expanded to include treatment through food, the responsibility of nutritionists became clarifying instructions of preventive diseases food

Therapeutic diet

The task of nutritionist in this age isn’t limited to awareness and prevention of diseases, but expanded to include treatment through food, the responsibility of nutritionists became clarifying instructions of preventive diseases food

and also putting the therapeutic diet for preventing diseases, for example, we advise diabetics to avoiding sugars and fatty meals and recommend the need to eat some foods and herbs that treat or reduce the severity of the disease, such as drinking cinnamon, and here we note the difference, we are currently protecting them against diseases and treating them through food, not just prevention. In recent years, attention has been focusing on the relationship between nutrition and food with its effective role in combating and treating many chronic diseases which shown in many researches and studies of food effects on health to live without diseases.

The therapeutic nutrition plays an important role in raising health awareness, promoting health, and improving the nutrition and health status of individuals, families, and communities through the promotion of food culture and study the problems related to nutrition to reduce its spread, which is one of the nutritionist’s roles

Nutritionist’s roles

Planning and calculating the nutrients necessary to meet the nutritional needs of different age groups

Identify the health, psychological, economic and social factors that affect a person’s nutritional status

Providing food care based on the scientific theories that enable us to assess the nutritional status of the individual and plan a suitable integrated diet

Contribute to the treatment of chronic diseases especially in the early stages, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, getting therapeutic nutrition early reduce the need for medication or reduce the dose of the drug to achieve the same therapeutic result

Participate with the treating physician in the treatment of chronic diseases to determine their nutritional requirements

Plan the appropriate nutrition program for the individual’s health situation so that it covers its nutritional requirements and protects him from malnutrition

Therapeutic diet for some diseases

High blood pressure dietary programs

Cardiovascular dietary programs

Diabetes dietary programs

Colon problems and Constipation dietary programs

Anemia dietary programs

Ulcers dietary programs

Stomach and bowel problems dietary programs

High uric acid and Gout dietary programs

Liver and kidney dietary programs

High cholesterol and triglycerides dietary programs

Hormonal disorders dietary programs

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